Quality Improvement in time to Treatment of Status Epilepticus (QuITT-SE)

Project Details


Acute seizures may evolve into status epilepticus (SE), i.e., prolonged or repeated seizures without regaining consciousness, resulting in irreversible brain injury or death costing ~$4 billion annually to the US healthcare system. If seizures are treated rapidly with a correctly-dosed benzodiazepine (BZD), SE and its associated morbidity and mortality may be averted. For instance, children treated after 10 minutes of seizure onset are 11 times more likely to die during their hospitalization than patients treated earlier. Therefore, the American Academy of Neurology identified time to treatment as a quality metric to evaluate SE care. Despite these evidence-based recommendations, delayed seizure treatment remains the status quo in many centers. The Quality Improvement in Time to Treatment of Status Epilepticus (QuITT-SE) study will examine the implementation and effects of a standardized set of QI interventions across pediatric hospitals with diversity in geography, patient demographics and resources. The proposed interventions were developed and tested in a single-center study that doubled the number of SE episodes treated within guideline timing, decreased morbidity, and mitigated over $2 million of charges in the following 17-month period. Our overarching goal is to study the implementation of these QI interventions and their effect on time to SE treatment across multiple centers utilizing an effectiveness-implementation hybrid design. The QuITT-SE trial will be a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial across multiple sites within the Pediatric Status Epilepticus Research Group, an established consortium of hospitals with expertise in studying and treating SE in children. During this project, mixed qualitative and quantitative methods will be used to identify implementation factors related to the interventions. In addition, the use of standardized QI processes within the Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) will facilitate the identification of site-specific drivers and themes pertaining to delayed SE treatment, improving the generalizability of findings. The specific aims are: 1) Primary: Determine how implementing a QI bundle impacts the time to treat SE among hospitalized, non-critically ill children. 2a) Secondary: Determine the effect on Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category score among hospitalized, non-critically ill children after implementing a QI bundle. 2b) Secondary: Determine the effect of dissemination of a QI bundle on cost of hospitalization for SE among hospitalized, non-critically ill children 3) Exploratory: Explore the factors implicated in implementing a QI bundle on the time to treat SE among hospitalized children. Public Health Impact: Each year, SE results in an estimated 15,000-45,000 deaths in children in the US and costs ~$4 billion, increasing markedly with more prolonged seizures. Successful completion of QuITT-SE will produce a set of evidence-based interventions alongside an implementation framework to improve outcomes and value of SE treatment across diverse hospital settings.
Effective start/end date09/20/2308/31/24


  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: $765,238.00


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