Epilepsy monitoring unit practices and safety among NAEC epilepsy centers: A census survey

Anto I. Bagić, Stephanie M. Ahrens, Kevin E. Chapman, Shasha Bai, Dave F. Clarke, Mariah Eisner, Nathan B. Fountain, Jay R. Gavvala, Kyle C. Rossi, Susan T. Herman, Adam P. Ostendorf

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: An epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) is a specialized unit designed for capturing and characterizing seizures and other paroxysmal events with continuous video electroencephalography (vEEG). Nearly 260 epilepsy centers in the United States are accredited by the National Association of Epilepsy Centers (NAEC) based on adherence to specific clinical standards to improve epilepsy care, safety, and quality. This study examines EMU staffing, safety practices, and reported outcomes. Method: We analyzed NAEC annual report data and results from a supplemental survey specific to EMU practices reported in 2019 from 341 pediatric or adult center directors. Data on staffing, resources, safety practices and complications were collated with epilepsy center characteristics. We summarized using frequency (percentage) for categorical variables and median (inter-quartile range) for continuous variables. We used chi-square or Fisher's exact tests to compare staff responsibilities. Results: The supplemental survey response rate was 100%. Spell classification (39%) and phase 1 testing (28%) were the most common goals of the 91,069 reported admissions. The goal ratio of EEG technologist to beds of 1:4 was the most common during the day (68%) and off-hours (43%). Compared to residents and fellows, advanced practice providers served more roles in the EMU at level 3 or pediatric-only centers. Status epilepticus (SE) was the most common reported complication (1.6% of admissions), while cardiac arrest occurred in 0.1% of admissions. Significance: EMU staffing and safety practices vary across US epilepsy centers. Reported complications in EMUs are rare but could be further reduced, such as with more effective treatment or prevention of SE. These findings have potential implications for improving EMU safety and quality care.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109571
JournalEpilepsy and Behavior
StatePublished - Jan 2024


  • Drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE)
  • Epilepsy surgery
  • Video electroencephalography (vEEG)


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